

The Prince’s Trust is a charity to help vulnerable young people get their lives back on track and believes every young person should have the chance to embrace exciting opportunities. The organization helps 11 to 30 year-olds find the tools and confidence to try free courses and start careers. They work with delivery partners across the UK to offer hundreds of free courses, grants and mentoring opportunities to inspire young people to build their confidence and motivation. Please watch a video of Helen at the Prince’s Trust here. The Trust’s primary objective as defined in its Royal Charter is “to promote by all charitable means the mental, spiritual, moral and physical development and improvement of young people, and to provide opportunities for them to develop to their full capacities and enable them to become responsible members of society so that their conditions of life may be improved.” For more information, please visit their website here.


The HvH Arts Foundation is a registered charity that facilitates a gateway to the arts for 5–18 year old children and young people by providing them with the inspiration and tools to develop lifelong artistic passions. They are a team of teachers and arts professionals offering a series of ten-week courses at after school clubs and during school holidays. The courses cover subjects in all medium of the arts, graffiti street art, photography, film making, music sculpting, drama, song writing and poetry. In honour of her memory, the HvH Arts Foundation introduced the “McCrory Award” in 2021, which will be dedicated to supporting gifted children from disadvantaged families who do not have access to the resources, training and income to fulfill their creative arts potential. For more information, please visit their website here.


FeedNHS is a non-profit campaign founded by Damian Lewis, Helen McCrory, Matt Lucas and John Vincent of
Leon restaurants to raise money to feed NHS workers during the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. FeedNHS launched on Friday, March 27, 2020 and soon after partnered with Feed Our Frontline, Baxterstorey, and MealForce. Together, this coalition is now delivering 40,000 meals a day to 88 hospitals in Greater London, Manchester, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Cardiff and others nationwide. For more information, please visit their website here.


Scene & Heard is a unique mentoring project that partners the inner-city children of Somers Town, London with volunteer theatre professionals. They give the children intensive, one-to-one adult attention, enabling them to write plays which are then performed by professional actors. For more information, please visit their website here.